Tuesday 30 March 2010

What does it take?

When we make a big deal of things - that’s what we get: A BIG DEAL

That’s why we try and avoid ‘black & white’ thinking or ‘catastrophe’ thinking. Our problems are caused by not what happens to us but by the way we react to what happens to us. So, we ‘engage brain before opening mouth’; challenge negative thoughts (always based on lies) and replace them with rational thoughts (always based on truths). We also have to ‘toughen up’ and, paradoxically, become vulnerable all at the same time. And what does ‘toughening up’ mean? It means accepting that I’m a survivor and not a victim. And becoming vulnerable? That means showing people who I am – the authentic me, warts and all. We have to be brave, therefore, in order to recover. It takes guts. It takes stick-to-itiveness too. What else? Well a belief that recovery is possible.

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