Sunday, 5 July 2009

Lack of power replaced by the power of love

Thank you for your comments

Dear PeaPod, Yenwerp, Tony and Lucy - thank you all so much for your kind comments - I am so glad that you could relate to some of the things I said and found them helpful.

About sponsorship and the difficulty of asking for and taking help. PeaPod -I know desperation played a big part in helping me with this. I was full of pride PeaPod and I will always be working on keeping it in check.

The importance of time as an essential element in the healing process of recovery and therefore the need for Aftercare to be highligted. Ibelieve people need to be reassured that they are thought about - that they have not been forgotten - that out of sight does not mean out of mind. A hand written card, a telephone call says 'we are thinking of you' - a simple gesture which can really lift the spirits and allow a person to feel cared for - always important, but more so in early recovery. As you say Yenwerp, everyone involved needs to be aware of the essential need for time to complete the healing proces.

Lucie - I agree so much with you - 'slow, steady steps in the right direction' and 'recovery is not a race.' There is real passion being transferred in the comments you have all made and we need to be passionate about what we believe in and do the best we can in the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Tony, your description of the act of kindness towards you by your cell mate which you say 'set me on the road to recovery' and 'opened my eyes to a new world' is such a wonderful example of how powerful simply being kind can be! For you - life changing! I wonder how many more lives have been changed through acts of kindness resulting in recovery - an amazing motivator for change! Let us all use it every day! Tony, you said that bringing what we are to the surface is 'tough but rewarding.' Well, I agree with you totally and I would like to share my experience of that process over the next few days. Thank you all again so much.

Lack of power replaced by the power of love

The 12Step process allowed me to admit, that where alcohol was concerned, I was totally powerless. I had therefore to find power which was greater than myself to help me and be willing to trust that my life could be guided in a positive way by the new found power.

Was I willing and open-minded enough to 'just do it'? To just do what was suggested? This was 'heart stuff' not 'head stuff' - I would never be able to understand it or explain it so why waste time trying? - but I was told that before the process was even completed - my heart would be touched by this new found power and my life would be changed forever!

I had nothing to lose and everything to gain! Step 3 was where I decided to 'just do it.' This was the turning point - where I invited this power into my life - the power of pure, unconditional love - the power I refer to as God. Is there anything more powerful than love? If you believe in the power of love then why not use this as a power greater than yourself and name it as you will.

I lit a tea light as a symbol of coming into the light of a new life and my sponsor knelt down with me as I slowly said the Step 3 prayer from the Book of Alcoholics Anonymous -

" God, I offer myself to Thee, To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy Will. Take away my difficulties,
that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy power, Thy love andThy way of life. May I do Thy Will always."

The words of the prayer had a very powerful effect on me in the few minutes we remained silent. I have heard many people say that they were moved emotionally at this point of their journey no matter what words they chose to use to ask for help and guidance. I felt that across the vast space between heaven and earth a loving God had reached out and taken my hand -and I had a longing deep inside me to never, ever let it go.

Love and prayers, Rosie

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